Saturday, February 5, 2011

~~~ Weather Forecast Ahead ~~~

Just heard on the news that the state of Florida could be sunned-in for the next several days. Residents have been urged to hunker down at your nearest beach and/or tiki bar for further instructions. Use extreme caution when braving this blizzard of sunshine, preferably SPF30. We are asking our friends and relatives to the north to please keep us in their thoughts as we deal with 2 feet buried in the sand.

Pier & Marina in St. Pete

Clearwater Beach ~~~ Campsite at Fort Desoto

Fort Desoto Beach

Sunset at Fort Desoto Beach ~~~ Skyway Bridge Sunrise

Have Fun, Travel Safe & Stay Healthy!!!


  1. This is just plain mean!!!! Splash your feet in the water for me, okay ........

  2. Since I am also in FL, I like it. Good luck with those from the north tundra.

  3. That's my kind of weather forecast!

  4. Boy you sure know how to make friends throughout the rest of the country with our Florida forecast. lol And we thought of maybe trying out Texas next winter-NOT.

  5. oh what a 'terrible' forecast you are in for!..we feel so bad for you! NOT!!..have fun in the sun! on the tan lines!!!..wade in the water!..sounds like perfection to me!!

  6. Oh,you lucky little dickens!
    Are you at Ft. DeSoto? I love that park! We just returned from that area, but didn't have time to go anywhere as my mom was in ICU in Largo. Am happy for you guys though to be enjoying sunny days and all those wonderful yard sales.
    Can you tell I'm green faced with envy, hee hee?

  7. Oh Donna, you are being so mean! Love those pics of Fort DeSoto and the skyway. We haven't been there yet this year...need to go.

  8. Oh, I love seeing these beautiful pictures. Makes me feel warm! I am usually bragging about our weather to my friends up North, but not this year. We actually had snow yesterday. Of course, it melted in 5 hours, which I'm sure people in Chicago would appreciate right about now. Kat

  9. Oh Donna, those beaches are amazing! We will get to them, yet. Glad your weather is so wonderful.

  10. Hi Donna, I love all of your pictures of the beaches and wonderful sunsets..We had rain yesterday and temps in the low 60's.Today will be sunny and more rain on Monday..thanks for your visit. hugs, Baba

  11. Thank-you for your beautiful photos. That's how we remember Florida.

    We had good weather today too. The heat was tempered by sea breezes. The sky is a beautiful blue. Stunning colour.

  12. ROFLMAO!!! Gotta love this humor. you go, girl!!!!!

  13. This is cruel to read about the warmth and the sunshine while I set in this snow. Oh well maybe I will be there next year

  14. Gosh you are killin us up here in the frozen north!

    Karen and Steve
    (Our Blog) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard

  15. Gosh you are killin us up here in the frozen north!

    Karen and Steve
    (Our Blog) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard

  16. Gosh you are killin us up here in the frozen north!

    Karen and Steve
    (Our Blog) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard

  17. Gosh you are killin us up here in the frozen north!

    Karen and Steve
    (Our Blog) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard

  18. Gosh you are killin us up here in the frozen north!

    Karen and Steve
    (Our Blog) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard

  19. Hi Donna!!! It looks like you are doing well and having fun in the sun! Lucky! I hope you are enjoying favorite place. My parents are in Miami and I am so jealous! Why didn't they take me!! lol...I hope everything is going good! Take care, Kristen

    P.s. Are you sure you don't want to come back for the snowstorm we are supposed to have on Wed? lol...

  20. Oh, Lord have mercy! Y'all had better be careful! So much sunshine, you could get burned! And the sand! Oh, Lordy! Watch out for broken shells.
    You little booger! :) This was cute.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  21. We did visit Rainbow Village on Saturday and it is nice but we are looking for a more rural campground with larger campsites for a three month stay. Thanks so much for letting us know about it. We may try it out another time.

  22. Oh, you poor things! You are so cute! Enjoyed this post, even though we had 4 ft of snow today and more expected tomorrow! Soak up some sun for me and have fun! laurie

  23. Thank you so much for visiting my blog and leaving your comments. I'm afraid I'm not as diligent as you but I do read your blog even if I don't comment.

    Enjoy the sunshine ... something that is rare up here in the northwest this time of year!

  24. Wow - there's bad weather everywhere. We have snow and cold here - just this month.
    Hope your travels take you where it is warm and wonderful. :)

  25. Love it, that's hilarious. Will keep you in my thoughts as you are sunned in!

  26. Careful there, you're liable to get pelted with snowballs. I've never been to Florida and am amazed by how white the sand looks in your pictures. Is it really white or does it just look that way in the photo? Enjoy your sunny days.

  27. Omigosh, you're so meannnnnn!!!! lol Love it! I can honestly tell you that I'm so sick and tired of all this snow and frigid temperatures, I'm just about ready to move south...wayyyy south! lol

    Right now it's 16F, a heat wave! lol At least it's not in the minuses like it's been for over a month and a half!! xoxo


Thanks for stopping by.. We always appreciate your thoughts on our adventures ♥ Thanks Donna