Monday, January 31, 2011

~~~A day trip to meet new friends ~~~

We got up early this morning in anticipation of going to Lakeland and meeting new Rv & Blogging friends.... It was about an hour drive from our park in Largo but we didn't mind... We are always good for an adventure and this was going to be a special one meeting new friends. When we arrived there quite a few people were already gathered in the parking lot. Shortly after we all headed into

Smokey Bones Bar & Fire Grill.

Our hosts who organized the whole event was Donna (aka Froggi) & Stu McNichol

GREAT job Donna... We all took our seats and introduced ourselves. After we started chatting with our neighbors about our adventures and where we were all parked now and where we are heading to this summer. My only regret of the whole thing was I didn't get a chance to talk with everyone but I am sure we'll be all getting together again... Perhaps a happy hour at a centrally located area (campground)

The service & food was excellent... Ralph & I both had a Buffalo Chicken Sandwich
which was very good but wished we had gotten BBQ after we saw some of the other dishes. ☺ They looked really yummy...
Here is a list of all those who attended our luncheon and if you click on their names it will take you to their blogs... Go visit them and you'll meet some really great people.
(he was working)
Helen and Paul
Sharon and Charley
Paula and Tom
Patty and Russell
Nancy and Jim Leivas
James Galbavy
On the way home we stopped at Camping World to pick up a filter and see what they may have new. We ran into our very good friends there and ended up back at their MH for a visit... plus we wanted to see their new coach... It was an excellent day! I can't wait to get together with my new friends again.

Have Fun, Travel Safe & Stay Healthy!!!


  1. Great looking food, Smokey Bones sounds like it has to be good!

  2. We had such a great time...will see who comes up with the campground meet...LOL!

  3. That looks like sooooo much fun. I can hardly wait until we start our travels and get to meet new friends. Save me some of those french fries....

  4. I lived in Lakeland for a year when I was a little girl.
    We have a Smokey Bones here but I've not eaten there yet.
    And I've yet to meet any Bloggers in person.
    Sounds like a fun group.
    Mama Bear

  5. We had a great time and really enjoyed talking with the two of you. Hope we can hook up again one day! Maybe at the rally in Sevierville, TN in April? Are you planning to go?

  6. bloggers getting together..I am sure it was a fun filled lunch!!!

  7. Sure looks like a wonderful gathering... bet the conversation was a lot of fun!

    Karen and Steve
    (Our Blog) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard


Thanks for stopping by.. We always appreciate your thoughts on our adventures ♥ Thanks Donna