Friday, February 18, 2011

~~~ Aliens vs. Predator ~~~

Now I am not a fan of the movie Alien vs. the Predator but I am a fan of talent...
Yesterday we went to get some fluorescent blubs for Tassie and at the company that sells them they had life-size (monster size) sculptures of Aliens vs. Predator... made entirely of motorcycle parts by a Japanese artist (unknown). They stood at least 8 to 9 feet tall... It was there when they bought the building and they decided to keep them... DUH!!! How cool is that!!!

Scary~~~ Right?

It is always amazing to me the talent that is in our world!!!

Have Fun, Travel Safe & Stay Healthy!!!


  1. They aren't that scary...but they are magnificently artistic...WOW!

  2. how can such a simple task of buying lightbulbs turn into seeing such magnificent artwork!..have a great day!

  3. Oh a tad bit scary to me... but interesting way to re"cycle" heh heh

    Karen and Steve
    (Our Blog) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard

  4. Neato! Have you ever seen the recycled roadrunner at a highway rest stop in New Mexico? Made out of all sorts of stuff: tires. computer keyboards, tennis shoes, anything they could find. In my memory it was huge, but probably stood only about 10 to 12 feet tall. Certainly worth getting out of the car and taking a stroll to view it!

  5. Talk about "UNIQUE"- that is pretty remarkable I say.

  6. So that's what happens when motorcycles go away to die!
    Those are pretty unique, and BIG!!
    Thanks for sharing.

  7. Interesting how looking for light bulbs leads to a neat post!!

  8. Oh my gosh....those are incredible. I can just see them in our master bedroom. Y'know? The room I have all the movie stuff? rofl

    Incredible to think that they're made from motorcycle parts.

  9. That's a whole lot of talent! Really neat looking.

  10. this is a Interesting how looking for light bulbs leads to a neat post ...thanks

  11. what happens when motorcycles go away to die!Those are pretty unique, and BIG!!
    Thanks for sharing.


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