Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Where in the World has Donna Been???

We have been very busy having fun and enjoying the sights but I have not had any Internet for days... and still it is shotty. I may be on for a few minutes and then BAM gone! This is the problem when visiting such beautiful places around this country... Sometimes you have it all and sometimes you don't. But we always have FUN!!!

Our drive into San Francisco & Elks Lodge we stayed at in Fremont

We spent 3 days in the San Francisco area hitting several key landmarks... Yes we would have loved to stay much longer since it is one of our favorite cities to visit but we are on our way to Alaska and just hitting some areas on the way. We will be out here again next summer and spend a couple of weeks in this wonderful town. We parked our rigs at the ELKS lodge for the 3 nights in Fremont which is about 30 minutes from San Francisco. We had E/W but no sewer at the Elks Club.

Candlestick Park and the Palace of Fine Arts

Pier 39

Ralph & I in front of Alcatraz and the infamous seals at Pier 39

Carousal at Pier 39 and the famous Lombard Street

San Francisco Electric Cars and the Trolley

Then we left San Francisco, traveled up Hwy 101 about 180 miles which a beautiful drive through wine country... We stayed at a campground called Creekside RV Resort in Willits, Ca. Bad choice but you never know! DO NOT STAY HERE ever if you have a BIG rig!!! It was off of Hwy 101 and hard to get into with a narrow bridge at the entrance. (FIRST CLUE) Then we were greeted by the manager who was a little cocky to put it mildly... "Move your coaches so our regulars can get by" but there was no place to move 2 forty foot rigs with cars in tow... or even turn around (SECOND CLUE) Then he told us we would have to unhitch even if we wanted to turn around... (YIKES) might as well stay if we have to unhitch. So finally we found 2 back in sites (they said they had pull troughs for us) that would fit us and set up... thick woods and a lot of REGULARS in travel trailers from the 60's... What a junky park but we all agreed it that it is only for one night. So after a night of restless sleep because the regulars were up all night BBQin around midnight we headed out carefully... pulling back on to Hwy 101 was just as dangerous as pulling in. OH and even with a Passport America discount this dump was still 21 dollars a night!

Vineyards & Farmhouses along Highway 101

So that is where and what we've been up to... Come back and read more about our great adventure. Hope you are all doing great too!

Until Later... Have FUN, Travel Safe & Enjoy Everyday!


  1. Hi Donna,
    Sounds like you all are having a great time and seeing some beautiful sights.

    Sorry to hear about the Creekside Campground...will put that one on the "never stay" list. It is good you were with your friends, I'm sure that was comforting.

    You all continue to have fun as you head to Alaska. :) Stay safe.


  2. I'm glad you are having fun on your travels Donna! I can't believe you are going to Alaska...sounds Cold! lol...I hear it it beautiful!! Be Safe! Kristen

  3. Sorry you had such problems at Creekside RV Park. We live in Rohnert Park about 1 1/2 hrs south of Willits and I have never heard of that place. If your ever back in the Willits area, we always stay at the Willits KOA and it's very nice and friendly owners.

  4. Donna, ya'll are so adventurous. What fun it sounds like you're having (except for the one campground). You always share such great pictures. Have fun and travel safely. laurie

  5. Glad you are keeping your sense of humor after staying in Willits! I'm enjoying the ride along with you on your trip to Alaska, Donna.

    Safe travels and enjoy your view!

  6. We also stayed at Creekside. Suzy recognized the description right away.

    We've also stayed at the Fremont Elks a few times. First time was for a week starting with September 5, 2002. We know the date, because that was the day we drove away from our just sold and abandoned out stick house -- 7 miles away from the Elks! We stayed there a week getting ourselves settled into the motorhome. Daughter Deb even came over and helped us get rid of the huge stack of clothing we had brought with us and had no place to stash. Good old Salvation Army got quite a bundle!

  7. I think I've stayed at a few RV parks like that. I'd rather park in Walmart parking lots. lol.
    Beautiful pictures though, especially those last two.

  8. Donna, You won the drawing for my 2nd blogoversary! Congratulations!
    How do I get your gift to you? Leave me a note on my Gmail -

    Looks like you're having a wonderful time. We had our first campout of the season (note about it in my blog).

    Smiles. Ruthie

  9. Hey girl...what a great trip. Sherri and I would love to go there.

  10. We're in the Paducah, Ky, KOA. Internet connection NOT good, but better than the last three nights when we didn't have any.... camped at Village Creek State Park in Arkansas. Nice enough park, but not as good as Lake Fort Smith State Park.

    I envy your trip this year. We hope to do it... maybe in a couple of years or so.

  11. Wow, what a trip you have planned, know that it will be one of a life time. Having grown up in Alaska, it has only been the last 15 years, or so, that I have come to appreciate the "take your breath away beauty".
    Travel safe, Kathy

  12. Oh, the jealousy!!!! Donna, Jimmy JUST got home from San Fran and was telling me that he and his coworkers drove down Lombard street yesterday. Isn't that funny? I so want to see this city some day. It's not fair that Jimmy goes all the time and I haven't been there even once! Waaaaaaaaaa!
    Stay safe, have fun, and keep posting!

    Justine :o )


Thanks for stopping by.. We always appreciate your thoughts on our adventures ♥ Thanks Donna