Sunday, April 4, 2010

We're California Bound!!! ☺☺☺

Raised up this morning so excited... Our true journey this year is about to start when we roll out of the Saddle Mountain RV Park in Tonopah, Az. I know... you all thought we've already been on a GREAT journey and we have but this is the Mac Daddy of journeys starting for us... Our friends Norm & Chris arrived safely and we are all on our way. This first leg is taking us to Palm Desert, California.

On our way we saw more of the dessert

Law Enforcement in cars with no officers and closed rest areas

We saw Quartzsite (Boondockers & Rvers paradise) & Boondockers in the desert

We finally crossed the state line into CALIFORNIA

Where we went through an Inspection Station and saw wild flowers along the road

We approach Palm Desert & big mountains

Finally we arrived at Palm Desert Thousand Trails... This is probably the nicest Thousand Trails Park I have ever stayed in... We have all the Amenities that a person could want and GREAT phone, Internet & satellite...

PLUS we found two sites next to each other...

I think this is why it is called it Palm Desert here and a Roadrunner right by our site!!!

So we have arrived safely and are ready for FUN!!!

UPDATE: We had tremors from the 7.2 earthquake in Mexicalli, Mexico this afternoon around 3:30 pm. Scared Chris & I to death... Norm was taking a shower and thought we were playing a trick on him... Ralph just took it all in stride... I sure hope we feel no more of them!!!

Until Later... Have FUN, Travel Safe & Enjoy Everyday!


  1. Hi Donna, Like I posted on Chris's blog, I'm looking forward to traveling with you through Alaska. We did it in 2006 and it was AMAZING. I know you will have so much to share with everyone.

    Safe travels and enjoy the view!
    Happy Easter, too.

  2. Well, what an experience we had today. Think we should get out of here? LOL Tomorrow we're in for another big adventure. Can't wait for that.

    Love Ya,

  3. Hi Donna, I am excited for you to travel along with your friends to great places ahead on your journey..

    Hope you enjoyed Easter.. even with a shake in the ground.. hugs, Baba

  4. I just read about the earthquake near San Diego....whoa!!! I remember once I experienced that in L A, and I tellya, it's not pleasant!!! And the one I 'lived through' was only 4 something on the scale. But, California!!! One of the best states in the union!!! Enjoy, enjoy.

  5. Have a great time in California!

  6. Hi Donna! California, here you come! What a lovely park you've found. So glad Chris and hubby arrived safely!
    Oh, how very scary about the earthquake. Hope it's all over now.
    Take care and continue to have fun. got to see a roadrunner. He was waiting for you!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  7. Pretty or not, get out of that place before another quake hits and you and Chris fall into the Pacific! LOL

  8. Glad you made it to California safely! Be careful of those tremors. You guys have tons of fun. Look forward to following along on your journey!!

    Travel safely!
    Mike & Gerri (

  9. Happy Easter to you and yours, dear Donna:-) I am so happy that Chris and her hubby made it there safely and oh how excited you must all be to be starting this trip through Alaska!!! Such breathtaking sites you've been seeing but I imagine the ones in Alaska will be even more beautiful. I heard about the earthquake...I would have been terrified! Stay safe and have fun:-) xoxox

  10. Hi, it seems to me like you and Chris are having waaay too much fun...earthquakes and all !! lol

    Ya'll enjoy that Calif. and stay safe.

    xo bj


Thanks for stopping by.. We always appreciate your thoughts on our adventures ♥ Thanks Donna