Friday, February 19, 2010

San Antonio Missions ~ Remember the Alamo

When we went into San Antonio we decided that we should go check out all of the Missions again. We were here 6 years ago with our friends and made it to 3 of the 5. I was determined to make it to all in one day and sure enough we did. A lot of walking & reading made for a very long day but we sure did enjoy it. The first one I'd like to tell you about is The Alamo. It is definitely the most famous of the 5 missions and the only mission that is not a National Historical Park. The Alamo was first mission established in San Antonio which served as a way station between east Texas and Mexico. Already 100years old when it fell in the notorious Battle of the Alamo.

the back of the Mission

On the Alamo Plaza is the most famous spot in Texas where 189 defenders fell on March 6, 1836, after repeated attacks by Mexican General Santa Anna's army. Mission San Antonio de Valero (the Alamo) was established in 1718 as the city's first mission. The chapel, one of the most photographed facades in the nation, and the Long Barracks are all that remain of the original fort.

Memorial to the fallen heroes of the battle in the Alamo Plaza
The Long Barracks Museum and Library is located near the chapel. The museum contains relics and mementos from the Republic of Texas and offers a narration on the fall of the Alamo. The Alamo is located in the center of the city and are surrounded with beautifully landscaped grounds.

This is the waterway that remains of the irrigation system that served the mission and the community along the San Antonio River.

The fish are Koi... looks like giant goldfish to me!

After visiting the Alamo we went to a restaurant called Lulu's Bakery & Cafe'. It was featured on Man vs Food on the Travel Channel so we knew we wanted to go to it... Now I am sure that if I had passed this without knowing about it I would have driven right by but luckily we didn't... We stopped in for Lunner (lunch/dinner)around 1 and it was crowded. Only a few tables left to sit at. They are best known for their Chicken fried Chicken & Chicken fried Steak so we ordered the lunch special of Chicken... Thank goodness because we saw the regular one and it covered the entire plate.


Also famous is their 3 pound Cinnamon Roll... we were to full to eat one so we bought it to take home with us... Now just check it out... AS BIG as my head! We will never finish this before it goes stale but I had to have one... I bet they are really good first thing in the morning when they are fresh and hot and gooey!

Well this is more then enough for one post so
I'll be doing the other Missions in a few days.

Until Later... Have FUN, Travel Safe & Enjoy Everyday!


  1. Boy does that place bring back memories. Remember the talent show they were having on the Riverwalk when we were there. And we'll never forget that boat ride on the Riverwalk, we laughed so hard our faces hurt. Beautiful photos of your days outing. If I were there I would have helped you put a big dent in that pastry. I know you are in heaven being in Texas and all that Mexican food. I forget which Mission we were at, but I'll never forget the peaceful garden and the rock benches in the back of one of them. We spent so much time back there. Wasn't it there that we climbed up the tree and out on the limb to get our picture taken?

    Thanks for the memories,

    Love Ya,

  2. Another place I would love to visit!! I so enjoyed looking at all your pictures and thinking of all the history behind the Alamo. Omigosh look at the size of that Cinnamon roll, it's absolutely huge! I would have been more than happy to help you eat it:-) hehe xoxo

  3. Thanks for the return trip for us to the Alamo. It is always an interesting place to see and we always seem to learn something new. I look forward to your future posts on the other missions, Donna.

    Enjoy your time in S.A.

  4. Remember the Alamo! You are making the Texan in me happy. :)

    I was just talking with friends the other night about history from different states. In Oklahoma (where we live now) state history has alot to do with The Trail of Tears and the Land Run. Being from Texas it was all about the Alamo and statehood. It's fun to learn about what's important in different places...including the food. :)

  5. Oh one more thing, I know you've already been there before but I think it always surprises people to realize how small the Alamo actually is. Don't you think?

    The last time we visited there we were with friends from Canada. She took one look at that rock garden and asked if that's how we garden in this part of the country. Well no..but I thought it was cute.

  6. Oh boy, the Alamo is so very beautiful. I was just staring at some of the intricate stone work and it's amazing. And those beautiful big trees!

    Okay, that lunner looked SO yummy. The cinnamon roll! Heaven!

    Justine :o )

  7. One of the heroes of the Alamo was Jim Bowie, a great, great (on and on) uncle of mine--the inventor of the Bowie knife.

    That cinnamon roll looks like a loaf of bread with icing! I'll bet it is yummy.


Thanks for stopping by.. We always appreciate your thoughts on our adventures ♥ Thanks Donna