Thursday, February 25, 2010

Reflections of San Antonio, Texas

Can you believe that the day we are to leave it started out rain, then a few hours later sleet and for the first time in 20 years SNOW!!! What is up with that? Well finally we are leaving and we will miss our little deer that visit everyday!

I wanted to show you some of the pictures from our visit into the city of San Antonio... We had such a great time here in this historic city and enjoyed everything about it. From the new city to the old historic areas... and the FOOD! YUMMO!!! We are heading west on Interstate 10 toward Fort Stockton, Texas and then into New Mexico towards Carlsbad Caverns, Roswell and White Sands ...

We found a little jewel down the end of the road from our Medina Lake RV park. It was a Little Mexican restaurant called Aranda's Jalico... Now I really love Mexican food (one of my favorites) and when we saw this little place we were a little hesitant... Just what we would call a hole in the wall and not much to look at... BUT I am telling you it was some good Mexican food and I was so happy.

Until Later... Have FUN, Travel Safe & Enjoy Everyday!


  1. There's just nothing better than real Tex Mex and it looks like you found it. It usually comes from a hole in the wall. My hubby and I kind of laugh about some of the places we've been to. We are rarely disappointed. You can't judge a book by it's cover.

  2. Goodness... look at the deer! LOL
    My grandchildren would be right there :) Love how you are exploring the foodie haunts...!!
    If you have not been to the banquet yet, I hope you will come share my Feast, bring Tex mex if you feel the urge! LOL

    stay safe and continue in the joy of THE ROAD :)

  3. If you get up to the Dallas TX area be sure to check out Mothers Daughters Diners for breakfast of lunch. It think it's only open on Mondays - Fridays.

  4. Great post Donna, I really enjoyed all of the pictures. Glad you found a place that served such great Mexican food too!

  5. Great post for today...especially those pics of the food!!! Yum Yum.

  6. Ohhhhhhhh, now I must have some Mexican food for dinner. You've gone and done it for sure.

    Love the photos of the deer feed. Wow.

    Yep, snow in Texas...who'da thought, huh?

  7. O.M.G. The food looks SO good. Now my tummy is rumbling for some Mexican!

    I cannot believe the deer were letting Ralph hand feed them. That's amazing!

    Justine :o )

  8. Oh how I wish I was traveling with you, you're seeing historic places that I would adore seeing!!! So enjoyed looking at all your pictures on the video, absolutely beautiful. That Mexican food also looks delicious. The first and only time I've ever been in a Mexican restaurant was back in 1986 when my mom and I flew to Vancouver to visit my two older brothers. They brought us across the border into Blaine, Washington and we went to a family owned Mexican restaurant. It was my first experience and omigosh, I just about drank a gallon of water, I found it so spicy! lol

    Safe travels my friend and looking forward to your next adventure:-) xoxo

  9. Hi Donna:
    The deer sure look friendly!! It sounds like a great adventure that you are on.
    We have a little hole in the wall mexican restaurant too, and they have the best food. I could go there every day!!
    Have fun.

  10. How I miss GOOD Mexican food!

    Yep, it's still cold here, and they tell us that two more cold fronts are coming through!

  11. Sound like San Antonio was a complete success! It is one of the places we plan to spend some extended time. I look forward to hearing about your next adventure!

    Glad you found such a great Mexican Restaurant!

    Safe travels!! :)


Thanks for stopping by.. We always appreciate your thoughts on our adventures ♥ Thanks Donna