Wednesday, November 4, 2009

...How about that moon...

Susan at A Southern Daydreamer is our wonderful host for "Outdoor Wednesday". If you are interested in this event head on over to Susan's place....There is a link on the logo picture....go visit more Outdoor Wednesdays and learn what it is all about. Join in the fun..... See all the wonderful places and events that others are sharing!
Thank you very much Susan

Close up of the moon on November 2nd

Hasn't the moon been just magnificient the past couple of nights... I just can't get enough of looking at it... If it was warmer here I might be tempted into staying out all night veiwing the beauty... I am a MOON child for sure.

Here are some photos of the moon November 2nd on the Arkansas River
Look at that moon way above Tassie... Do you notice that most of the trees have lost their leaves giving us a very wintery look... However (knock on wood) our weather has been just about perfect lately

"Pray to the Moon, when She is round,"
"Luck with you, shall then abound."
"What ever you seek for Shall be found,"

Interesting Facts
Moon's Age: The moon is far older than previously expected. Maybe even older than the Earth or the Sun. The oldest age for the Earth is estimated to be 4.6 billion years old; moon rocks were dated at 5.3 billion years old, and the dust upon which they were resting was at least another billion years older.

The Moon takes about 27 days (27 days, 7 hours, 43 minutes, 11.6 seconds) to go all the way around the Earth and return to its starting position.

The surface of the moon has many things on it such as craters, lava plains, mountains, and valleys. Scientists believe the craters were formed around 3.5 to 4.5 billion years ago by meteors hitting the moon's surface.

The full moon is a lunar phase occurring when the moon is on the opposite side of the earth from the sun and all three bodies are aligned in a straight line. It appears as an entire circle in the sky.

The only month that can occur without a full moon is February.

The world's tidal ranges are at their maximum during the full moon when the sun, earth and moon are in line.

The full moon is given different names, depending on when it appears:

January - Moon After Yule, Wolf Moon, or Old Moon
February - Snow Moon or Hunger Moon
March - Sap Moon, Crow Moon, Worm Moon or Lenten Moon
April - Grass Moon, Frog Moon or Egg Moon
May - Milk Moon or Planting Moon
June - Rose Moon, Flower Moon, or Strawberry Moon
July - Thunder Moon or Hay Moon
August - Grain Moon or Green Corn Moon
September - Fruit Moon or Harvest Moon
October - Harvest Moon or Hunter's Moon
November - Hunter's Moon, Frosty Moon, or Beaver Moon
December - Moon Before Yule or Long Night Moon.
Until Later


  1. Good Morning Donna! The moon has been beautiful. I've noticed that even when I turn the lights off at night the house just seems to glow. It's a soft pretty light, isn't it?

  2. Your moon facts were mostly new to me. Thanks for that and for those gorgeous photos.

  3. Blue Moon? I find it hard to sleep when the moon is full.....I call it melancholy moon. Beautiful pictures.

  4. Hi Donna, I love your shots of the moon..I took a great picture of the Harvest moon,but have not posted it yet!! I enjoyed learning the facts about the moon..hugs, Baba

  5. Donna, that is fascinating information about the moon. I had never heard of all of those names. I love it, too. And some of my favorite songs are about the moon. Loved your photos. You need to take Tassie on a visit to St. Augustine. During November and December, we have what is called Nights of Lights. I have a link about it in my Outdoor Wednesday post today. Speaking of which, hope your Outdoor Wednesday is happy...

  6. I love the information you've shared with us today. Your photos are really lovely. I hope you are having a wonderful Outdoor Wednesday.

  7. Great informative post and pictures, Donna, but you forgot to mention "swiss cheese" when you talked about the surface of the moon!! I guess that's because it's already a well known 'fact' by everyone!

  8. Great pictures, Donna! Yesterday morning as I was driving back from the bus stop, just after sunrise, the moon was so beautiful, sitting huge in the sky while it was totally light out.

    Justine :o )

  9. A beautiful moon indeed! Oh Donna, you got such great shots of it. I so enjoyed reading the facts about the moon and learned some new things. I didn't realize that they had discovered that the moon is much older than earth and the sun!

    Our trees have been completely bare for the last couple of weeks now so it looks like winter now. Especially when we have snow flurries like we were getting this afternoon!!!

    Take care of YOU and know that I love ya:-) xoxo

  10. You're a Luna Lunatic!
    I'm currently reading Rebecca Wells new book, and it's all about the moon.
    Such a good post today!!
    Fantastic pictures...wowsers.
    Such a glow from're really enjoying your time in AK, aren't ya? We have frost every night're not missing a thing!

  11. Great moon shots, Donna. We here out in Washington have been enjoying that huge full moon, too, since we've had clear skies and no clouds for a change. Great moon facts, too.

  12. thanks for sharing the moon facts--pretty interesting. i love the moon, a shame we have a typhoon these past few days and i wasn't able to see the full moon last night. your photos are wonderful.

  13. Donna, you got some great photos. I really learned a lot of new information in this post. Thanks. laurie

  14. These photos are beautiful! I really love the moon rising over the river. I had heard some of the names for the moon, but had no idea there were so many. Have a wonderful weekend. Kathy

  15. ...and the moon seems so much brighter these days around here...the air is clear and dry which makes for more 'white'. It's absolutely gorgeous. Your photos are stunning!!!

  16. I love the moon pictures. There is something really fascinating about watching the moon.
    Isn't it neat that even though you and I are hundreds of miles away from each other but we are both seeing the moon?

  17. Hi Donna! Oh, how nice to hear from you. Oh, look at that beautiful moon and where you have Tassie parked is so lovely! Now I must tell you, at this time of year you must be very careful ~ full moons and all! Vampires and Werewolves! You had better stay inside at night! :)

    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  18. Donna, Your moon photo's are beautiful, and I loved listening to Sting in the background. ( I have a soft spot for him!) Looks like you're having a wonderful autumn. Big hug to you Donna!

  19. Just one question, "Where's the cow", ya know the one that jumped over the moon....LOL! Just had to say that!

  20. Girl, if we are ever close to each other in our RV's you and i would stay up all night drink and gab while watching that to, I cant get enough of watching the night sky.

  21. Hi Donna! I was just over at Stacey's and when I read your comment I wanted to visit and tell you "ditto" and "meeee tooo"!lol It's so unfair that a bad hair day means something else as you age!!!lol I too have been admiring the moon on the way to work at 6 every morning; almost makes it worth the trip!(almost) Have a great week - I need to explore your blog now! Sincerely, Jeannette


Thanks for stopping by.. We always appreciate your thoughts on our adventures ♥ Thanks Donna