Sunday, March 1, 2009

~~~For Animal Lovers~~~

We are headed out in Tassie for a four week adventure... I will still be online updating you to where we are and what we are doing... I wanted to leave you with some fun pictures that I couldn't resist sharing with you all

No words needed

I re-edited this post to tell you to look closely at this next picture... There is a little puppy pulling at the painters tarp. Several people commented that they saw no animal in the last picture...

Until Later

Hugs And Kisses

Valentine mechanical


  1. These are some of the best animal pictures I've ever seen. I'm sitting here at 7 am giggling like a goofball! I love them all, but I had a thought. The swans (or geese?) in the middle of the road - the car parked on the side has to be a blogger getting a picture! Great post, have a wonderful trip and can't wait to see what you share with us next! Kathy

  2. awesome can see the personality and love in alot of them. I just dont think for many of us life wouldnt be the same without these silly guys. Have fun on your four week excursion!

  3. Enjoy your excursion!!!! Where'ya going this time?

    Love LOVE the photos you've shared. I too am in awe of our four legged creatures like you are. And yes, that PowerPoint Video link I've shared this morning is a tear jerker, but such a wonderful story tho.

    I have so many favorites of your photo share tho...especially the first one, the doggie and the dolphin...and then the guy reading to his pets!!!!

    Happy Sunday dear friend...have a safe trip and will look forward to your updates.

  4. Wow, you're going to be gone a month? I didn't know that. Where are you going?


  5. Hi Donna, These pictures are too cute. I love the baby animals!!! As you travel down or up the road,we will be with you from our computers.. have a safe trip and a wonderful time.. Hugs, Baba

  6. OMG, these pics were fantastic! The one that made me laugh the most was the kitting sticking out of the blinds! But what was the last picture? I didn't see any animals in it. I'm going to have to look again.
    Okay, so where are you guys going for four weeks?

    Justine :o )

  7. What cute pics.All except the poor polar bear hanging onto his last chard of ice.What can we ever REALLY do to stop this?
    I'm so glad your cking in.As short of a time as wew've been friends,I miss you...Ann

  8. Oh boy, Donna is on the road again...wonder where we're going? I'll stay tuned...have fun!
    ;-) Bo

  9. I don't understand how the final picture fits in, but it sure is some beautiful woodwork. Happy Trails to You.

  10. Loved the photos - they are great especially that first one of the baby donkey. I'm glad you added the edit. I would have missed the puppy.

  11. So cute, I loved them all....


  12. I just love animals. The cat with mice crawling all over it amazes me.

    Y'all have a wonderful adventure and drive safely.

  13. I never tire of looking at cute animal photos! I hope you have a lovely adventure. Keep us posted. haha get it? Posted!

  14. It doesn't get much cuter than this. Thanks for sharing.

  15. What fun animal pictures...have fun on your traveling adventures!
    sandy toe

  16. Wow! Great pix! I enjoyed seeing them! Have a great trip. laurie

  17. Hi Donna! This is such a great post! My favorite pic was the little cat in the window blinds. I hope you two have a safe trip but most of all, FUN! dEB

  18. how can you not smile looking at adorable pictures like that! I hope you guys have a wonderful and safe trip. I can't wait to see where you're taking us!

  19. Afternoon, Donna! Oh, now I love to look at the sweet little fuzzy faces and you've picked some cute pictures.
    Can't wait to see where you're going this time! Woo Hoo! You and your hubby have the best time, don't you?
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  20. I love all the pictures!!
    Have a great time, Donna, and say hi to Chris when you meet up with her. You two stay out of trouble!!!

  21. Great pics! Made me smile! I am headed to the south for a little vacation too! Have fun! ~Cindy~

  22. Awwwwww! Cute pics.
    Y'all and Tassie have a safe trip. I hope you have many road memories!
    And that recipe in the post below looks like a good one! Thanks Sqaw!

  23. Donna, may you and Ralph have a safe and fun trip girl..enjoy your cocktail hour..Loved all these pixs..loved the baby Donkey the I want you..Hugs and smiles Dear safe...Love ya sis..Gl♥ria

  24. Awwwww such adorable animal pictures! They do make great subjects to photograph, some of the poses are so cute:-) Have a great trip and I look forward to hearing where you're traveling to and seeing pictures:-) xoxo

  25. Hi there! Just wanted to let you know that I made your pepperocini beef this weekend and it was a HUGE hit! I did add some onions and mushrooms at DH's request. It was fabulous and so easy. Thanks again for posting that recipe. Kathy


Thanks for stopping by.. We always appreciate your thoughts on our adventures ♥ Thanks Donna