Wednesday, January 28, 2009

~~~Chris's Slam Book Meme~~~

Chris passed on this little diddy to us all and I grab a chance to do it... She referred to it as a sort of Slam Book and I agree totally... It is the new age version... So get ready to play... it is FUN!
  1. Sport: Football

  2. Color: Red & Black equally

  3. Movie: I have to many favorites... but I am going with Willy Wonka (old) Australia (new)

  4. Song: Could I have this kiss forever... Inrique Iglasias & Whitney Houston

  5. American City: I love all the cities ... my very favorites are New York City & San Fransisco

  6. Foreign City : Vancouver

  7. Book: Margaret's Story by Eugina Price

  8. TV: 24

  9. Actor: Oh come on... no questions here Johnny Depp & Hugh Jackman

  10. Actress: Meg Ryan

  11. Perfume: Safari

  12. Food: Mexican

  13. Car: Jeep wrangler

  14. Condiment: Crushed Red Pepper

  15. Kitchen appliance: Convection Oven

  16. Beauty product: Moisturizer

  17. Piece of clothing: Sweats

  18. Male songwriter: Burt Bacherach

  19. Female songwriter: Alicia Keyes

  20. Holiday: I love all the holidays but Christmas is on the top of the list

  21. Disney character: Mickey Mouse.... after all he started it all... then TINK

  22. Flower: Carnation

  23. Alcoholic drink: Margaritas

  24. Non-alcoholic drink: Water

  25. Magazine: Prevention

  26. Male vocalist: Micheal Buble

  27. Female vocalist: Barbara Striesand

  28. Day of the week: Now that I am retired all of them

  29. Household chore: Hiring a maid

  30. Ice cream: Moose tracks or Vanilla with all the trimmings

  31. Candy: Snickers

  32. Quote: "WORK like you don't need the money. LOVE like nobody has ever hurt you. DANCE like nobody is watching. SING like nobody is listening. LIVE as if this was paradise on earth."

This was a fun meme to do so copy it and join in on the game

Until Later

Hugs And Kisses



  1. It looks like we have the same favorite household chore. lol

    I like your quote too!

  2. Ohhhhhhhhhh, how I remember slam books! Wow. Does this age me or what?!! [kidding]

    Hey they were fun back when and this looks like fun again. I'm gonna do it. When, I don't know, but I'm gonna play, yes indeedy.

    Love your household chore. That cracked me up. And #9....Johnny Depp...oh be still my heart!

    I'm gonna post this comment and then go back and copy the subjects.


  3. That was interesting. It's always fun to learn more about you. I do remember slam books, too!!

  4. Glad you jumped on this, it was fun. I loved slam books, but some people could be very mean.

    Love Ya,

  5. GM Doona I alway love getting to know more about you...and I love your house chore one..hire a maid..thats the way I Mickey and remember Steamboat willy's the first cartoon Walt did..that was the first video I bought for my grand kids many moons your SIL has one in her kitchen that just says.." I hope you dance" well girl have a fun day...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  6. Hi, sweet Donna! Oh, I loved reading your list! Thanks for the visit. I know what you mean about not getting too cold - we don't normally get very cold either. But last night a cold spell blew through and it's so nice!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  7. this is a fun way to get to know each other a little better! thanks for playing

  8. I love the posts that let us learn about each other,thanks!
    Have a smiley day!
    Roberta Anne

  9. Heeheeheeeeeee... love your household chore! Sounds good to me! And yeah, for NYC!!!!!!

    Justine :o )

  10. Hi Donna, Loved reading more about you. I like Willy Wonka (first one) too! I know it's just a movie, but I'm still jealous of that little boy. I want an everlasting gobstopper!! lol. Kristen

  11. I love your answers. It's great to get to know you better.

  12. It is lovely learning more about fellow bloggers Donna, I also love every day of the week and your quote is spot on. Have a happy Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.... :) ,hugs, Kathy.

  13. Oh Donna-doll...hold out your arms, 'cuz Lil Bear & I want to (((HUG))) you big time...Thank you for putting him on your blog...
    poor, little mis-treated orphan deserves to win at least the weekly deal...Now, about your meme...this was a fun trip of discovery about you! You have a loving life to the fullest gene for sure!!! Luv ya, ♥ Bo

  14. Fun stuff...and I especially love your household chore!!!!

  15. That was fun, reading your answers.
    I love a good margarita too...haven't had one for ages though. lol.

  16. neat! was fun getting to know you a bit better :)

  17. lol at household chore..your quick witted!

    my favorite food is mexican also. the town i live in stinks for good places to eat...BUT a new Mexican restaurant opened recently that has to die for Salsa...I'm there at least once a week now.

  18. Quote: "WORK like you don't need the money. LOVE like nobody has ever hurt you. DANCE like nobody is watching. SING like nobody is listening. LIVE as if this was paradise on earth." -- I just LOVE this Quote!!!! And so good to know a bit more about you!


Thanks for stopping by.. We always appreciate your thoughts on our adventures ♥ Thanks Donna