Wednesday, December 10, 2008

~~~ Update on my man~~~

Attention all my sweet blogger girlfriends
and my wonderful blogger boyfriends!!!

We were there all day... Good news the stent went in with absolutely no problems and he is doing excellent.... So they let him come home tonight... He was a pretty happy guy with that news... My daughter works at the hospital we were at so, I got to have lunch with her & that is always a very nice treat for both of us... The hospital is right there on the causeway of Clearwater Beach so you can look out the windows and see the water..

We have to go back to the hospital in the morning... Ralph signed up for some kind of experimental program with Plavix... so they need to take blood and give him meds if he qualifies for it. We figured if we can help someone else with letting them do research with us then that is a good thing.... I did a study too when I was having chemo a couple of years ago...

I am tired out from pretty much doing nothing all day... I did get a significant amount of my book read... Thanks so much for all your support and kindness during this stressful time.... Love you all

Friends Glitter Graphics

Until Later
Hugs And Kisses


  1. Hi Donna, I'm happy to hear that things are going so well.
    Hugs, Bridget

  2. Isn't this the BEST Christmas present of all...your Mr. Adventure & you making another hurdle in this thing we call life? God is good, God is great! Sending love to you both, ;-) Bo

  3. Hi Donna,
    So glad everything turned out ok. Get some rest & catch up with us when time permits! (((Big HUGS!))) Tar

  4. Hey Donna, I am really happy to hear that he is doing well and that they let him come home. That's great news! Plavix is a great drug! Both my parents are on it and it has really helped.

  5. YAY I'm so glad it went so well and that he is home. Terrific news!

  6. I'm glad things went so well for you and him. Your tired because of all the emotions attached with stuff like this. Its nice you bring books or things for you to unwind.

    I bet the view is absolutely peaceful. To me, nothing beats a view of water.

  7. Hurray!!!for the good news. Amazing isn't it what can be done as treatments now days. Lots of stress in a day like today and that really makes you tired. That hospitals sounds like one to be in if you just gotta be in one. Hope all continues to go well! God bless.

  8. Donna, so glad to get this good news! Take care of him and you. laurie

  9. Donna,

    I'm so glad everything went well with the stints. Those tiny gadgets can work miracles.

    Brandee :-)

  10. God is good!! Now, you can enjoy Christmas!! Hugs, Terrie

  11. Hey Donna! Sorry to hear about the blockage. I had no idea because I haven't been on blogs the last two weeks. I'm glad hubby is well and back home. I truly wish you both the best.

    I'm trying to catch up on blogs but I'm afraid I've missed too many and will just try to visit from here on out. I hope I didn't miss anything else important but I did catch a glimpse of that big beautiful turkey! Good job!

  12. That's great news, Donna. So happy for both of you that it all turned out well. How nice that your daughter could be there to have lunch with you and keep you company. I think the waiting around is so tiring.
    Hope you get some sleep tonight.

  13. Hi Donna, wonderful news and Mr A is home, you both need to rest now, hugs, Kathy.

  14. Hope you both had a good nights sleep.

    Love ya,

  15. Great news Donna! My Mom takes Plavix and has no problems with it. Get some rest guys! xo

  16. Thank you, Donna! Nice to know all us hunks are appreciated too! (Just kidding, of course.)

    Good news about Mr. Adventure. When you mix a little bit of prayer, support from friends, and some good medical care, life can work out just right.


  17. That is great news! Glad to hear it all went well and that he is feeling good. Cindy

  18. So glad to hear he is ok. Happy holidays for your family.

  19. Great, great news. Thanks to God for answered prayers. Hope ya'll get some time to relax and enjoy this beautiful time of year. PS Come on over and see my SNOW!!!

  20. Way to recover Ralph, you sexy hunk O' manliness! Shake your thang thang!!!!!! Woot woot!!!!!!!!

    I'm sooooooooo happy for you guys, Donna!!!!!

    Justine :o )

  21. Hello "Katherine" lol I'm confused, what do you mean it didn't update my post???

  22. so glad to hear things went well!

  23. I'm so glad that things went well and your man is home!!!

    We'll keep praying.

    Next time you come to our hard hat needed...all the construction is finished. Well, maybe a fluffed pillow or something, but all the major work is done!!


  24. Donna this is wonderful news..I am so glad you finally shared this with us..sorry it took me so long to get Tong the Tiger would say GREAT..hope you had a great day today...hugs and smiles dear friend Gloria

  25. I'm so happy to hear that Mr. Adventure is doing so well, Donna. That is wonderful news! Both of you need to get some R&R now. Take care.


Thanks for stopping by.. We always appreciate your thoughts on our adventures ♥ Thanks Donna