Tuesday, December 23, 2008

~~~ Christmas Trees Around the World ~~~

~~~Christmas Trees Around the World ~~~

Before the ball drops in Times Square , the Big Apple turns on its holiday charm with the Christmas tree in Rockefeller Center.

The Capitol Christmas tree in Washington, D.C., is decorated with 3,000 ornaments that are the handiwork of U.S. schoolchildren. Encircling evergreens in the 'Pathway of Peace' represent the 50 U.S. states.

The world's largest Christmas tree display rises up the slopes of Monte Ingino outside of Gubbio, in Italy's Umbria region. Composed of about 500 lights connected by 40,000 feet of wire, the 'tree' is a modern marvel for an ancient city

A Christmas tree befitting Tokyo's nighttime neon display is projected onto the exterior of the Grand Prince Hotel Akasaka.

Illuminating the Gothic facades of Prague's Old Town Square, and casting its glow over the manger display of the famous Christmas market, is a grand tree cut in the Sumava mountainsin the southern Czech Republic.

Venice 's Murano Island renowned throughout the world for its quality glasswork is home to the tallest glass tree in the world. Sculpted by master glass blower Simone Cenedese, the artistic Christmas tree is a modern reflection of the holiday season.

Moscow celebrates Christmas according to the Russian Orthodox calendar on Jan. 7. For weeks beforehand, the city is alive with festivities in anticipation of Father Frost's arrival on his magical troika with the Snow Maiden.

He and his helper deliver gifts under the New Year tree, or yolka, which is traditionally a fir.

The largest Christmas tree in Europe (more than 230 feet tall) can be found in the Praça do Comércio in Lisbon, Portugal. Thousands of lights adorn the tree, adding to the special enchantment of the city during the holiday season.

'Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree': Even in its humblest attire, aglow beside a tiny chapel in Germany's Karwendel mountains, a Christmas tree is a wondrous sight.

Ooh la la Galeries Lafayette! In Paris, even the Christmas trees are chic.With its monumental, baroque dome, plus 10 stories of lights and high fashion, it's no surprise this show-stopping department store draws more visitors than the Louvre and the Eiffel Tower

In addition to the Vatican's heavenly evergreen, St. Peter's Square in Rome hosts a larger-than- life nativity scene in front of the obelisk.

The Christmas tree that greets revelers at the Puerta del Sol is dressed for a party. Madrid's two-week celebration makes millionaires along with merrymakers. On Dec. 22, a lucky citizen will win El Gordo (the fat one), the world's biggest lottery.

A token of gratitude for Britain's aid during World War II, the Christmas tree in London's Trafalgar Square has been the annual gift of the people of

Norway since 1947.

Drink a glass of gluhwein from the holiday market at the Romer Frankfurt's city hall since 1405 and enjoy a taste of Christmas past.

Against a backdrop of tall, shadowy firs, a rainbow trio of Christmas trees lights up the night (location unknown). Do you think it may be the North Pole???

I hope that you enjoyed the Around the World Christmas Tree Tour

Yesterday my girlfriends & I went out for a girls day out... We went to lunch at Chili's where I had the best southwestern salad and then we went to see the movie "Australia"... Well I want to tell you even though it was a long movie about 2 and a half hours (went by fast) it was a Great movie... And it's a movie that brings together romance, drama, humor and adventure. Below is a little review and a link to the movie preview

English aristocrat NICOLE KIDMAN travels to the faraway continent and inherits a cattle station the size of Maryland. There she meets local bit of rough HUGH JACKMAN and reluctantly agrees to join forces with him to save the land she inherited. Together, they set off on a transforming journey across hundreds of miles of the world’s most beautiful yet unforgiving terrain, only to face the bombing of the city of Darwin by the Japanese forces that attacked Pearl Harbor. You will absolutely fall in love with the young newcomer Brandon Walters who plays Nulla. This is his film debut...

Go see it... you won't be sorry


Until Later

Hugs And Kisses

Christmas Tree


  1. Someone sent me that email; it's interesting to see all the different trees around the world.

    With your review, I'll consider going to see Australia. (I don't care much for the gorgeous Nicole Kidman.)

  2. oh, what a wonderful post today, Donna...I loved seeing all the different trees...just stunning.
    Ummm, can;t wait to see that movie. I like Nicole and LOVE Jack...tee hee...
    Thank you, friend, for your sweet words about my blogging. I just blog about what goes on in my little world....you do a mighty fine job of blogging, too!
    MERRY CHRISTMAS, love, bj

  3. Hi Donna! They all are very beautiful! Blessings to you and yours this holiday season. Deb

  4. Donna, we must have a mutual friend. We saw those trees last week, but really enjoyed seeing them again. It's good of you to share the good things you find.

    Jerry and Suzy

  5. Hey Donna, I loved seeing all of the different Christmas trees. That glass one was amazing! I hope you have a Merry Christmas!! Kristen

  6. Morning, sweetness! Oh, I loved looking at all of the beautiful trees. I've been to many of those places, but never at Christmas time! I'd love to see that movie because I just love Nicole Kidman. Isn't she beautiful?
    Blessings to you and your family, Donna!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  7. Happy Holidays to you and Ralph dear friend!!! :)

    Thanks for sharing the stunning photos!

  8. Whoa....all so beautiful. I think the one in Italy with all the blue and against the night sky is super. But all, as I said, are perfect. You just can't have a 'bad tree'. I am going to see this movie, Australia, when it comes out on DVD. I can't wait. It really does look like a good movie, and with your review, I want to see it all the sooner.

    Have a blessed Christmas.

  9. Donna what a great post girl WOW I would love to see the one in Paris..these are all just beautiful..and I think it takes me along to to decorate my little tree..it must take weeks to do some of these..hope you have a safe and blessed Christmas dear friend..tell Ralph I said Howdy from Calif...hugs and smiles Gloria

  10. Hugh Jackman is so hot!!!

    Aw I haven't been to the NYC tree in years! I always took seeing it for granted I guess.

    The Murano one was my favorite. Very cool. Thanks for sharing! Great post.

    Oh and I love soutwestern salads. Thanks for the tip.

  11. Goodness that was a beautiful treat for the eyes!! Thanks for sharing the parade of trees!
    Wishing you a Merry Christmas!

  12. Great trees! WoW !!!
    And oh yes i loved the film....very under~rated.... :)

  13. That is so pretty...I'm glad you shared it with us! It was amazing to see some of those creative and beautiful trees...but I think my favorite is the one by the tiny little church...it looks like it's from a story book!

  14. Hi Donna, have a wonderful holiday, health and happiness to you and yours!
    xox, Marie

  15. Loved seeing all of the Christmas trees... thanks so much! This was a great post.
    Thanks for sharing

  16. What a FABULOUS array of trees from all over the world!! Glorious work Donna!!!! We have a wee 2 footer on our tabletop - all we need since the rest of the room will be filled with toys for the grands -- who has room for more??!!!

  17. I love all of those Christmas trees, and thanks for the Australia review, I really want to see that film on the big screen, but the doctors still don't want me going to movies because of all the germs. But I'll get it on DVD for sure when it comes out!

  18. Hope you have a blessed and very Merry Christmas! ♥ Hugs :) Shauna


Thanks for stopping by.. We always appreciate your thoughts on our adventures ♥ Thanks Donna