Monday, October 20, 2008

We have Landed in Georgia & I have Internet

First here is my something pink for Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Good Morning... I am so please to say I HAVE INTERNET!!!! We use what is called an air card and picks up the internet off of phone cell towers. Sometimes we are in areas where we have no service and no WIFI so we are without any internet... My signal is not as strong as some places but I am not entirely cut off from you all...

Our ride from Alabama to Georgia was really a nice ride... We had great weather... cool and clear skies... Here are a few pictures of our ride...

We arrived at Georgia Veterans Memorial State Park around 2:30 in the afternoon and after registering and picking out a site we set up our little RV. First thing we did was put our our lawn chairs, made a little cocktail and sat down to enjoy the view of the pretty little waterfront we have behind out site... Later we took a ride around the area to check out what was going on... They have a train that goes out of this park everyday and will take you to Plains, Americus and Cordele, Georgia... It is a nice little train ride. We did it last year when we stayed here. But this weekend and next weekend it is Thomas the Train... He travels all over the nation taking little kids for short rides where they also get to meet Sit Topham Hatt! I hope to get some pictures of him next weekend...
This morning when I got up it was so beautiful out I had to go snap some pictures to share with you all... It was a chilly 44' last night and we had the heat on for a while.. It is warming up nicely for a beautiful day...
Here is a picture from both directions... The beautiful sunrise and the mist rising off the lake...

Here is our Tassie all backed into her new little site for the next 7 days...

Go BUCS and RAYS!!!!

Until Later

Hugs And Kisses


  1. Morning, Donna! How nice you've made it to Georgia. My Mother is here and says she knows exactly where the state line is from Alabama to Georgia. We're originally from Fort Payne, Al, and went to Ga. a few times! lol
    Beautiful scenery again. I'm getting jealous!!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  2. Hey Donna...I know where that state line is too...we lived in Gadsden, Ala. for 2 years. I thought it was so pretty there. Your Tassie is GORGEOUS! ;-) Bo

  3. Hi Donna, welcome to Georgia!!! This looks like a nice and peaceful place to stay for seven days...Do you drive that red car in front of Tassie??? Have a wonderful day..
    Hugs, Baba

  4. Hi Donna:
    What a gorgeous spot you picked to park Tassie.
    I finally got the guestbook to come up for me and I signed in, now it's showing my name 3 times. Don't know how to go back in and fix it, sorry.
    Have a great day

  5. Hi Donna!
    I want to ride on Thomas the Train!!!

  6. YAY Tampa BAY!!!! And what a pretty back yard you have for the next 7 days!!!

  7. We have an 'air card' too living where we do in the middle of nowhere!! LOVE your GA pix ... it frosted here this morning!

  8. I just love your pics. I have never been past Idaho, so I love looking at the different placed people go. Especially this time of year!

  9. Hi Donna! I love Tessie. My husband would like to have one of those! As a young child his family would travel in an RV. Yours is very nice! I would love to see pics of the inside!

    You know everytime I read a comment you have left me on my blog, I have to smile. You always have such sweet things to write. Thank you. I am truly glad I found you and your blog. I enjoy seeing where you are on your journey!

    Have a great night! I am going to crawl up the stairs and go to bed. hugs, Ellen

  10. Thank goodness you have internet how would I live without your amazing comments in Blogge'ville??? Hope you are taking it easy and taking in all the beautiful scenery;) French

  11. Looks like you are having a wonderful time. Our RV is put away for the winter - all cozy and winterized. But come early Spring, we will be RVing again.

  12. Hi Donna
    Your spot is o beautiful! At the end of your post I thought, more pics!! more pics!!

    BTW, whose job is it to wash the outside of Tassie? lol!! She is really a beauty, did you mention before how she got her name?

    Cant wait to see more of Georgia.


  13. Ah...GEORGIA...GEORGIA...reminds me always of RAY CHARLES !! My favorite!
    So glad you are having fun on your trip. How nice that you can just go and go. My hub would love to do that...
    Have a great time and please stay safe!
    love ya, bj

  14. Hi Donna!! Thanks for coming to see me today. I'm so glad you like my tablescape. I didn't used to give a hoot for dishes, but my Mother got me started and I just don't know how to stop. I do have a few sets. The problem is finding hiding holes for them!!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  15. Lucky you!! I love Georgia!! Have fun!! xoxoxo Terrie

  16. Donna I am so glad we met! I am looking forward to following your road side adventures!! You are living the American dream!


Thanks for stopping by.. We always appreciate your thoughts on our adventures ♥ Thanks Donna