Friday, October 3, 2008

Tote that BARGE!!!!

Here is my something pink for Breat Cancer Awareness Month

We are lovin' it here in Fort Smith... Not only are we with my daughter and her family but we have beautiful scenery and the mighty Arkansas River right behind us... We were sitting outside yesterday enjoying the wonderful day when we heard something big coming down the river... Now we are only a stones throw from the locks and many boats go through them each day but this one sounded big and it was... It was 3 barges deep and four barges long being pushed by a pretty large tugboat. I have seen them this big but not here... Here are some pictures of the barge, tugboat and the locks... double click on the first picture to get a better look at the whole barge....

The barge was to long for it all to go into the lock at once so the tug sent in the first two to go through. The picture on the bottom left is the first two sections of the barge being pulled through the lock on some sort of pulley. Then the tugboat took the rest through and hooked back up on the high side of the river.

OK... does anyone know what this is? They fall out of a tree here and I am not sure which tree has such BIG BALLS because there are none left in the trees... I put a hickory nut I found on the ground next to it so you could get an idea how HUGE it really is... The lady next to us says that people slice this thing vertically and bake it in the oven. Then they use it in dried flower arrangements... but she didn't know what it was called either... I took a couple of pictures of the trees around just in case you might recognize them...

Last but not least I thought you would get a kick out of this... My Tassie is very comfortable for a 40 foot motorhome but when washday comes it is quite the task... I do have a washer/dryer all in one unit built right into the RV but it is small... Very small... I can wash 1 set of sheets at a time in in but can only put 1 sheet in at a time to dry otherwise they wrinkle real bad and I can't have that. Well I manage to get the wash all done every week but I thought you might enjoy seeing what it looks like...

Until Later

Hugs And Kisses


  1. WOW Donna, those barges are huge!, I do not know what that fruit is but it's large, be interesting to find out what it is though. your washer/dryer is definately not large, haha. (you know, washing machines and dryers are mostly that small in England, it is a big shock for us to go from the huge ones here to the diddy ones over there). have a wonderful weekend, Kathy.

  2. Yeppur, that washer/ dryer is not big load friendly, but beats the laundrymats. I hug my washer and dryer when I get home. LOL.


  3. Oh yeah, there is that same nut on our campsite, I think it is a walnut or a black walnut. I'll ask Corrine when I see her, maybe she will know.

  4. Jack Fruit (Kanoon)
    January to May

    These big fruits are ugly and smelly. They are the largest tree borne fruit in the world growing in excess of 30 kilos. Despite their unappealing outer appearance the fruit inside is crisp, crunchy and fresh tasting. Cut open the main fruit and inside are a multitude of yellow fruits. Each fruit is a flattened apple shape containing a single stone. You can buy jack fruits whole or buy the yellow fruits cut out and ready to eat.

  5. I found that on the internet. Not sure if it's that or not but thought maybe it was from the pics I've seen.

    Did Chris think you were asking about the little brown nut? lol.

    That barge was huge! How interesting to see all that. And I love your washer and TV set. I want an RV!!!!

  6. It could also be Breadfruit. They both look kinda the same online but the breadfruit looks rounder so maybe that's it???

  7. What a sweetie you are to try and cheer up someone you don't even know! Thank you!!
    I would love to retire and travel the States and Canada one sounds like a dream to me!

    I'm adding you to my blog list right now, I love to make new friends! Buffie : )

  8. Well hack Bloggger is being a booger and won't let me add yo right now but be sure that I will as soon as it will let me! Again thanks for your kindness!
    Buffie : )

  9. I couldn't click on the followers thing. I tried several times.

    Oh and I just went to and typed in Big Green Round Fruit. LOL!!!

  10. Hi, that was a biggie on the river...glad you shared with us. That big green thing looks like what we always called "horse apples"...and if you cut into one, you might as well throw the knife away...the residue will be there forever...and DO NOT EAT it... Have a wonderful wk-end... ;-) Bo

  11. Very cool pics of the barge....ya gotta wonder when your TV is bigger than your washer dryer hehehe. And I have no idea what kind of balls you have :) But have a marvelous day!!!

  12. Donna,

    Those Barges were HUGE!!!! My goodness... thanks for sharing! (I love stuff like that!)

    I have never seen that fruit.... Schmeck sppears to be on to something though...


  13. Hey, my son would love to see the barge 'live' he loves big boats!

    That big green fruit looks like a bread fruit but the leaves on a breadfruit tree are much bigger, so I'm stumped!

  14. Wait, I see the washer, but where's the dryer? I'm so confused! I don't know what that big wrinkled ball is (LOL) but I'd love to know!

    Justine :o )

  15. Donna, That fruit looks like something I buy to stick in the garage and basement to keep bugs away. I forget what they are called. But, the more they shrivel up the better they work. I want to say they are called hedgeballs. I'll try to find out. I'm not sure that I'd eat them. Nice meeting you!! Terrie

  16. I love this post! your RV is as small as my flat! and we wash our clothes, but don't have a dryer...your lucky...but at the same time...I'm sure it takes FOREVER!!!! I feel your pain!
    but I love the set up, the tv over the washer/dryer!


Thanks for stopping by.. We always appreciate your thoughts on our adventures ♥ Thanks Donna