Thursday, September 4, 2008

We have arrived in Havre, Mt

Today we traveled from Fort Benton to Havre (pronounce Ha-ver) Montana.
It was a trying drive of 76 miles and we arrived at 11:30 am... We sure are getting use to the short drives and it will be horrible when we have to go back to driving 200 hundred or more miles a day. Anywho... the drive was a safe and a very fun journey. We got to see the Bear Paw mountain range and some wildlife on the way here. The first one we saw was a herd of Prong Horn Deer and the funny thing was when we were getting close we must have scared a little male because when he jumped to run he snagged a little bush with his antlers. It was stuck to his head as he was running away and it looked like he had a green wig on. Then about 20 miles after that we experienced a red fox running across the road and then out into a field... I wasn't fast enough to get a picture of either event...

So now here we are in Havre and tomorrow we will be doing our site seeing.... There is an underground to check out, Fort , and a Bison Jump.. I'll let you know tomorrow how it goes..
Until then...

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to see the pictures! Where are you going after Montana?

    Justine :o )


Thanks for stopping by.. We always appreciate your thoughts on our adventures ♥ Thanks Donna