Thursday, September 18, 2008

Last days in "Fargo"

Yesterday we hung around the camp site and really enjoyed the day. We took some nice walks around the park since it was such a gorgeous day out. In the afternoon we played "FARKLE" (a dice game)and just sat around having a few cocktails. It was truly a peaceful day. Here are a few photo's from around the park when we took our walks. The fountains are at the entrance.

Today however was a different story. It is our last day here so we wanted to cram in a few things we hadn't done yet. Like the Sidewalk of Fame. It was pretty nice and I took pictures of several. My favorite was Bert & Ernie, while Ralph clowned around with the monkeys trying to put the shadow of his hand in Davy Jones' hand print.

We went over to Morehead, Minnesota and visited the University of Minnesota campus. Both very nice. The towers is the Minnesota State Line. We are amazed how clean and beautiful both cities are. Fargo is definitely a place to visit if you ever get the chance.

There are many beautiful parks, Victorian Homes (this one from 1882) and old churches in Fargo.

Well tomorrow we are leaving here and heading towards Minneapolis, Minnesota... Watch out Mall of America here I come.... ;-D
Until next time
Hugs And Kisses


  1. Those are some nice photos. I love flowers. Hope you get to visit the mall. We are leaving here Sunday, but I don't want too. I have the best view of the mountains here, I would love to watch the leaves change from here.

  2. Wow, I really didn't realize that some of these RV parks were so beautiful! Are most of them like that, or just some?
    Looks like a gorgeous place to visit, that's for sure. But ooh, you're going to THE mall!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Justine :o )

  3. Hi...Thanks for coming by my blog...the Jan who gave away the Home Interior sconces lives in probably not the girl you know...Love the beautiful pics today and wowee...a trip to THE mall...tell hubby to hold on to his
    ;-) Bo

  4. Thank you... Not all parks are this beautiful but many are. We have unfortunately been in some not so great parks but for the most they are very nice.

    Donna ;-D

  5. The monkees! LOL! Brings back so many memories. Being from NYC I'm always amazed when I see such a clean and pretty city! lol.


Thanks for stopping by.. We always appreciate your thoughts on our adventures ♥ Thanks Donna