Tuesday, September 30, 2008

It's Tuesday and I am sitting here thinking...

I am sitting here while drinking a cup of coffee with Marshmallow coffee cream in it and thinking how lucky I am. My wonderful husband is outside washing our RV and taking care of other things that need to be maintained so our journeys are smooth. I have two beautiful daughters who have blessed me with four wonderful (not to mention cute as can be) little grandchildren. My family (which is not huge) & friends (which are like my family) are the best anyone could ask for.. and now I have a new extended family that I accidentally found by creating a blog for my family to follow me on my adventures.. (Thanks Justine for finding me and hooking me up with so many great women) what more could I ask for except good health... Well this is my mush for the day.. I love you all for being out there...

Now here are a couple of things I wanted to share with you all:

First is this friendship award... please take it knowing you have made me smile many times...

Second is the cutest little craft idea that I did with some of the camping buddies I met in Minnesota one afternoon... the flowers are just ones from the craft store and the leaves are actual fall leaves coated in clear nail polish.. all is hot glued onto a fresh pumpkin, (that's right it is one from the pumpkin patch) you can use any size pumpkin you want. The one in the picture is a small one. It makes the cutest accent decoration... Also you can use an apple corer to make a hole (or holes if using a larger pumpkin) on top for a tapered candle, glue the flowers around the candle and it is a nifty fall candle holder for your tabletop... Remember to glue something on the bottom if you core the pumpkin for candles... Hope you enjoy this too....

Until Later

Hugs And Kisses


  1. {{{{{{{{{{{{Donna}}}}}}}}}}}} What a sweet post, and I love your pumpkin decoration! it's adorable!!!!!!

    Justine :o )

  2. Donna,

    How are you today? Your post was so sweet! I am so glad to have met you!!!! I get to travel along with you without leaving my house or my desk at work! (LOL)

    That pumpkin is so adorable. Looks pretty easy to make too!


  3. Donna,

    I can't wait to see your answers... :)

    I'm glad that Chris tagged you!


  4. I think this was as sweet as possible! Seriously we often forget that the simplest of things bring us the greatest pleasure;) I think you have become one of my biggest soap opera fans and your comments always make my day;) French

  5. It's so good to take the time to count our blessings. It makes you realize how lucky you are. And I agree about the new friendships in blogging...pretty dang cool!

  6. This is so sweet, I'm happy for you that you are lovin' life! Wise women count their blessings, and you have been blessed!

    Thank you for the award, I will display it prouldly on my blog!

  7. Hi Donna, Thanks so much for visiting my blog, and your sweet words! Most of all thanks for leading me to your blog. Wow, how cool to travel around in your RV with your Hubby of 40 years. I'm putting you in my Google reader so I can catch up on your adventures.
    As far as my private blog, it's just a recipe page I've been working on that's still under construction! I'm technically challenged and everythings a big project. When I get it done it will be made public. Happy travels!!
    Hugs, Marie

  8. I love this post!
    I also love this craft idea. I think I'm going to look around for a pumpkin and some leaves and see if I can make one like this! I love it!

  9. Very cute pumpkin! Nail polish on the leaves? Cool!

    Aw. I'm glad I found your blog too. I just hope I don't find any more interesting friends in blogland because I can't keep up! lol.


Thanks for stopping by.. We always appreciate your thoughts on our adventures ♥ Thanks Donna