Tuesday, September 30, 2008

It's Tuesday and I am sitting here thinking...

I am sitting here while drinking a cup of coffee with Marshmallow coffee cream in it and thinking how lucky I am. My wonderful husband is outside washing our RV and taking care of other things that need to be maintained so our journeys are smooth. I have two beautiful daughters who have blessed me with four wonderful (not to mention cute as can be) little grandchildren. My family (which is not huge) & friends (which are like my family) are the best anyone could ask for.. and now I have a new extended family that I accidentally found by creating a blog for my family to follow me on my adventures.. (Thanks Justine for finding me and hooking me up with so many great women) what more could I ask for except good health... Well this is my mush for the day.. I love you all for being out there...

Now here are a couple of things I wanted to share with you all:

First is this friendship award... please take it knowing you have made me smile many times...

Second is the cutest little craft idea that I did with some of the camping buddies I met in Minnesota one afternoon... the flowers are just ones from the craft store and the leaves are actual fall leaves coated in clear nail polish.. all is hot glued onto a fresh pumpkin, (that's right it is one from the pumpkin patch) you can use any size pumpkin you want. The one in the picture is a small one. It makes the cutest accent decoration... Also you can use an apple corer to make a hole (or holes if using a larger pumpkin) on top for a tapered candle, glue the flowers around the candle and it is a nifty fall candle holder for your tabletop... Remember to glue something on the bottom if you core the pumpkin for candles... Hope you enjoy this too....

Until Later

Hugs And Kisses

Monday, September 29, 2008

We have landed in Fort Smith, Arkansas

Here is how it happened... We started out driving on an early beautiful morning... the sky was sunny, the roads were good, our little dog Tiffy seemed happy to be heading down the road, Tassie was purring like a little kitten, Ralph & I were happy and just chatting away about where we were heading... We thought maybe we would go to Kansas City and then perhaps to St. Louis, Missouri... We were hitting about 300 miles when Ol' Ralphie boy said hey I am not tired and we are about 350 mile from Jennifer's house (our daughter in Fort Smith, Arkansas) would you like to go see her and the granddaughters? Well she has been very blue lately so I said sure if you fell like it I would love it. So 12 hours & 650 miles later (on the road in a 40 foot motorhome pulling a car) we pulled into the Wal-Mart Superstore down the road from Jen's house. We decide to stay there in the Wal-Mart Parking lot for the night... That is what we RVers call BOONDOCKING... In other words staying in a parking lot of a store, Mall, Cracker Barrels or Truck Stops... I think you get the picture... We stop sometimes when going from point "A" to "B" and we don't want to pull into a campground. It's Kinda a freebee unless we go in shopping which does happen most of the time. Any ways back to the story... we pull in, unhook the car and drive over to surprise Jen, Eric and the kids... After all the tears and hugs are done we go back to the RV (the kids have to go to bed for school the next day) we are exhausted after the long day and we try to sleep with all the night noises of the store... Not really easy for a light sleeper...

This morning we moved over to the Corp of Engineer Campground that is just down the road and a short drive to visit the kids. It is a beautiful park that is connected to a Lock & Dam on the Arkansas River... After the kids got out of school (that includes my daughter she is in nursing school) they all come to the RV to spend the rest of the afternoon with their Memaw & Poppy... It was a wonderful day with them and now that they have gone home it is quiet and I can finally read some of my favorite blogs and do my post.

We love Fort Smith... It has rolling hills and there is a lot of history here and we will be visiting it so I can tell you all about the area

This is our campsite at Spring Hill Campground. It is a beautiful area and we are just seeing a tiny bit of some changing leaves here. There has been a light wind blowing and the leaves are trickling down to the ground.. It is one of the things I never get tired of watching.

This is the Arkansas River which is located about 100 feet behind our site and the view on the right is the view from the front.

Here is a close up shot of the river and the Lock & Dam. All throughout the day many Tugboats, Barges and Pleasure Boats go through this lock.

Ok... I need to go to bed and get rest so I can keep up with them little granddaughters of mine...

Until Later
Hugs And Kisses

Sunday, September 28, 2008

On the Road

We are on the road and in Iowa about 9 miles from Missouri with no destination just driving. We are thinking Kansas City today.. Will update further a little later in the day.

Can't watch the game today but I just heard Green Bay scored... Boo Hoo fo us!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Friday Fill Ins

What a beautiful day today... I can only hope that you all had the same great weather that we did.

Thanks Raxx I was wondering what to blog about tonight ;-D

1. I believe whatever doesn't kill you must have alcohol in it...
2. If you're good at something, do it for all the world to see unless it is X-rated then save it for someone special.
3. Why Not?
4. Something is out there, and it's looking for me.
5. If my life were a sitcom, it would be titled Big Wheels Keep on a Rollin'
6. Sitting on my back porch [if you don't have one, use your imagination] I see what a wonderful world we live in. Of course I look through Rose colored glasses...
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to going to dinner with some friends and catching up on my bloggin', tomorrow my plans include nothing but sitting around having FUN, Happy Hour in the afternoon and going to dinner at a Chinese Restaurant with some fun people , and Sunday, we'll be moving on to Missouri.

Until Later

Hugs And Kisses

Thursday, September 25, 2008

No Site Seeing but Still Having FUN!

Hi everyone... nothing significant to post. No site seeing the past couple of days we have just been having fun visiting with fellow motorhomers in the campground we are at. There are several happy campers here who have the same make motorhome as us so we have been comparing notes about places we traveled and things about our rigs. Great HAPPY HOURS!!! (a little to happy if you know what I mean)... so far my favorite people here are a couple well into their 70's who just finished spending their summer in Alaska. That is one of our plans.... we are hoping the summer of 2010. She really gave us great advice on where the wildlife roams and the fun places to spend time at.

However I did want to pass on this award to some of my favorite bloggers... Thanks Especially to Bo for passing it on to me..

The Super Commenter Award

Bo at http://blinksnwinksfrombrown-eyes.blogspot.com/ honored me by thinking I deserved this award...It really meant so much to me and I very much appreciated it. I would like to pass the award along to some other bloggers whose comments I always look forward to reading. The rules are:

1. You have to pick 5 blogs that you consider deserving of this award.

2. Each award has to have the name of the author and a link to his/her blog so that it can be visited by everyone.

3. Each award winner has to show the award and put the name and link of the blog that presented him/her the award.

4. The award winner and the one who has given the prize have to show the link blog so everyone will know the origin of this award.

5. Show these rules.

Blogging is a wonderful form of sharing and meeting new friends and can’t be complete without acknowledging that we have actually been there. It would not be as special without exchanging thoughts, comments and support. I would like to pass the award along to 5 Super Commenters who brighten my day with their comments:

1. Justine at http://justines-cafe.blogspot.com/

2. Raquel at http://runfromyourage.blogspot.com/

3. Donna at http://deembee.blogspot.com/

4. French at http://frenchkilt.blogspot.com/

5. Rebecca at http://schmeckygirl.blogspot.com/

If you ladies have been given this award before that's great...now you know you've been thought of more than once...and if you don't want to forward this one on...that's absolutely okay too...No pressure! I know some of you haven't commented much but I really enjoy your sites and when you do comment I love those too....THANKS!

Until Later
Hugs And Kisses

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

About my husband & Other things

Well RAXX I have played the husband game and it was fun... Also fun to see the others answers...

Have a GREAT Birthday

Ok today we are just hanging out at the RV Park.. Enjoying the beautiful weather and chatting with the people we are camped next to. I want to go for a ride a little later and look at the leaves that are starting to really change now.

Here are my answers to the infamous husband survey....

We are married for almost 40 years and having fun in life...

1. He's sitting in front of the TV, what is on the screen?

He loves to surf the internet and watch Sci-Fi, History & Travel Channel

2. You're out to eat what kind of dressing does he get on his salad?

Red Wine Vinegarette or Raspberry Vinegarette

3. What’s one food he doesn't like?

Asparagus & Liver

4. You go out to the bar. What does he order?

Rum & Coke or beer

5. Where did he go to high school?

Dixie Hollins in St. Pete, Florida (we both went there but didn't know each other... )

6. What size shoe does he wear?

10 1/2

7. If he was to collect anything, what would it be?

$ $ $ Money $ $ $

8. What is his favorite type of sandwich?

Hamburger He is almost obsesed with them like Whimmy

9. What would this person eat every day if he could?

Spaghetti & Meatballs & Meatloaf

10.What is his favorite cereal?

Raisin Bran or Oatmeal

11. What would he never wear?

Pink Shirt (he is stuck in the 50's kind of thinking)

12. What is his favorite sports team?

Florida State actually almost any colleage team & the 49ers

13.Who will he vote for?


14.Who is his best friend?

Sounds kinda corney but I have been his best friend since the day we got married (GOSH)

15.What is something you do that he wishes you wouldn't do?

Probably that I am so hyper and positive about everything

16.How many states has he lived in?

3 Florida, Ohio & West Virginia where he was born

17. What is his heritage?


18.You bake him a cake for his birthday; what kind of cake?

Carrot or Lemon

19.Did he play sports in high school?


20.What could he spend hours doing?

Site Seeing and taking rides in the country

Until Later
Hugs And Kisses

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Around Town Minneapolis & St. Paul

We went into Minneapolis yesterday to do some site seeing. We have been here before but we wanted to go back to see a few things we have already seen and enjoyed. We also hit a few new places that we haven't been to.. Here is a quick moving shot of the Minneapolis skyline or at least part of it.

This is the Basilica of Saint Marys Catholic Church. The Basilica of Saint Mary was the first basilica established in the United States, honored by Pope Pius XI in 1926. It is one of the finest examples of architecture in the country, the Basilica of Saint Marys was constructed between 1907 and 1915. What makes a church a basilica you ask? According to what I have read it is a church that has been accorded certain privileges by the pope also the style of building.

I am not really sure what this building was but I found it 's architectural style very interesting.. This picture was caught on the fly also. ;-D

This is Minnehaha Park and Falls.. We visited here a couple of years ago and both of us found this park to be beautiful and peaceful that we decided to visit it again. We wanted to spend a great deal of time here just walking around, sitting and enjoying.

Here is the Hubert H. Humphrey Metrodome. It is the home of the Minnesota Twins, Minnesota Vikings and the University of Minnesota football team. Talk about a stadium well used...

As you know the original bridge between the twin cities collapsed in 2007. This is the new span that now connects Minneapolis to St. Paul. Not as beautiful as the other one was but I am sure more sturdy. I cropped the picture so it isn't really a great one of the bridge.

Across the bridge over in St. Paul is the State Capital building. Construction of the capitol started in 1896, and construction was completed in 1905. It is the third building to serve this purpose: the first capitol was destroyed by fire in 1881 and the second was considered to small. Another state capital checked off the list.

After a complete day of riding around and seeing what we could before we were completely exhausted we decided to take it easy today. We want to go out riding in the country since the leaves are definitely starting to change so we are hanging around here one more day and then we are off heading down through Iowa and Missouri. No destination yet but we are thinking about visiting Amish Country.

Until Later
Hugs And Kisses

Monday, September 22, 2008

My Bucket List

Here ya go...If money was no problem

****The most important to me would to help find a cure for all cancers****

1.) To stay healthy to just enjoy my family, life, friends and keep bloggin' (ha ha)

2.) Help my family, kids & my grandkids all stay Happy & Healthy

3.) Go to Austria & Switzerland

4.) I would like to sail around the world on a huge sailboat

5.) Keep traveling in my motorhome and exploring the GREAT USA

6.) Ride the Swing Slide through the trees in Costa Rica

7.) Spend a summer in Alaska's wilderness

8.) Rent Disney World for a weekend to let kids who can't afford to go have some fun there with no worries

9.) Take a Hot Air Balloon ride across Europe countryside

10.) Find an exotic Island to crash at: No Worries - No Problems

This was FUN!

Until Later
Hugs And Kisses

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Minneapolis "Mall of America"

Minneapolis is the largest city we have been in since.. mmmmmmm.... we left home in April. I am overwhelmed with the traffic, so many people and so much to do.
Outside Front of "Mall of America"

Ok... first of all I am a wimp. The mall got the best of me because it is so big and so much that I was really overwhelmed. Just getting a parking place within walking distance was a job. Let me begin by saying my husband didn't want to go there since we had already visited 2 years ago when we came to this area with some friends. Also living in a motorhome full time I have not one square inch to put anything else in.. If I buy something I have to get rid of something. I already carry about 25 pairs of shoes and I can't tell you how many blouses but they are so packed a moth couldn't get in there. Yes I am one of those girls that can never have enough shoes, clothes or jewelry. You should see what is in storage. Also I think a place like this would be a fun fantasy trip if I had come with a bunch of girlfriends & stayed right in the hotel that is close to the mall for a long weekend. Anyways we got in the morning and spent maybe 5 hours just walking around... It is a incredible place 4 levels about 500 stores, 50 restaurants, game rooms and a HUGE Amusement park right in the middle. All the big name stores are here Macys, Nordstroms and Bloomingdales.

The Amusement Park

Views of the inside shopping areas

Today we will rest and watch football... Until Later
Hugs And Kisses