Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Burrrr It's COOOOOOLD!!!!

Today is rainy and really cold... As I write this little diddly it is 44' at 5:30 and I do believe we may see a little snow tonight. So you can see why we chose to stay in today and not go play. I am catching up on wash and cleaning... YUKKY but it has to be done. Keep checking there will be more adventures to come.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Donna! I just found your blog through a blogger search and think this is fabulous! Full-time RV'ers! What could be more fun to read about? Anyway, tomorrow (Sunday) is Blog Day 2008, and those of us participating have to find 5 new blogs to post about on our blogs with a short description. This is in hopes of bringing more readers your way when I tell them how great your blog is. And you could make some new friends! So, check out my blog tomorrow (or now if you'd like!) when I'll have you listed as a great new blog to read!

    Justine :o )


Thanks for stopping by.. We always appreciate your thoughts on our adventures ♥ Thanks Donna