Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Trekking Through Texas

Day 5 of our trip had us driving through Louisiana & Texas. We had one small rain shower that was just enough to get road dirt on Tassie & Silvie ~ After Ralph spent 2 days washing & waxing them... lol  When we went through Shreveport on I-20 we were just behind a small tornado that turned over several travel trailers at a dealer, many trees knocked down and bent many interstate road signs. I think if I had seen that tornado I would have messed my britches....

Other then that it was a smooth ride and after about 500 miles we started looking for a RV Park for the night.  After checking out our travel books and internet we found a small RV Park in Mingus, Texas.  Cactus Rose RV Park was an easy on and easy off back onto I-20 so we decided that was a pretty good pick... we didn't expect much and was pleasantly surprised to not only meet very friendly owners but a clean well kept park with all that you could want in any campground !  Click here to go to our RV Park review blog.  This park was so restful and nice we decided to stay an extra day and just enjoy it.

Cactus Rose RV Park ~ Mingus, Texas 
Our site at Medessa Oil Patch RV Park
After being well rested up we headed out to Midland, Texas where my youngest daughter & herfamily lives... We'll be staying in this area for about 6 weeks before we continue our journey.  This was only 320 mile day which is really how we like it ~ 350 miles or less on travel days.  The wind of Texas picked up for our ride and pretty much wore Ralph  out and didn't do our gas mileage any good either.  We had a horrible time finding any parks to take us and our first week was at Midessa Oil Patch RV ParkClick here for our RV Park review... Because there are so many oil workers in this area they fill up the RV parks so what a time we had trying to secure a spot for 5 more weeks after Midessa Oil Patch... we finally found a RV park out in the middle of nowhere filled with oil rig workers but they had one spot left in the back and that is what we took.  Normally I wouldn't stay in a park such as this but we wanted to spend time with Jennifer and the family.  So here we are at Stanley RV Park and all and all we have everything we need. FHU, no trees so great satelite TV, Water and so far very quiet. I think we are the biggest rig here...
Stanley RV Park
So we have already been in the Midland/Odessa area for a week and already have had many adventures ~ It is great visiting with my daughter, SIL, and granddaughters ~ will catch up on the next blog.
Come on back and follow our adventures...
Have Fun & Travel Safe

Monday, May 20, 2013

Hellllloooooo ~ I am still around ♥ and on the move....

Our site at Rock Crusher Canyon
Don't faint ~ I know it has been forever since I posted but I am hoping now that we are on the road I can get back to some kinda habit of posting...  I think Facebook is easier for quickie notices but the blog is still great for more detail.  Anyways a lot has gone on since my last post ~ first of all I had to have therapy on my left shoulder from when I hurt it last August when my knee went out.  It ended up being a frozen joint from me babying it but after 12 weeks of therapy it now feels better about 90% of the time. With exercise and time it will be well again.  We loved spending the winter up at Rock Crusher Canyon in Crystal River this year and have decided to go back to there when we get back to Florida in November.  We love the nature there and it is not as crowded as it was down in Pinellas County.

After traveling the entire country with our faithful and dependable 2002 PT Cruiser (Petie) who had over 350,000 miles on it and many more towable miles we decided, as much as we loved Petie, it was time to trade him in.  So in March we decided to buy a 2013 Chevy Equinox fully loaded and we are loving it... We especially love the On Star and GPS system in it... I am sure we will enjoy her (Silvie) and are looking forward traveling around the country with her and the many adventures we will share. 

"Silvie" ~ our new Chevy Equinox
We also decided, after 8 years, it was time to update the TVs in Tassie ~ we had analog TVs and so we decided it was time to change them out for Digital HDTVs.  We went to Creative Coach in Lakeland and had them change out all of the TVs.  What a great job they did rebuilding some of the cabinetry and installing the TVs.  In the bedroom they took the space the old TV took up and made it into a cabinet.  More room to store more stuff ~ Yippee!  Thanks Lester ~ they are awesome!!!

Living Room TV

Bedroom TV
Our spot up at our friends house....
After they finished the TVs we headed out for our Summer Adventure ~ first stop was at our friends house up in Lee, Florida for a 4 day visit.  Ralph was like the energizer bunny washing the coach, his truck and Silvie.  He pretty much didn't stop the whole time we were there.  Then it was time for us to start our long trek to Midland, Texas where our youngest daughter, Jennifer lives with her husband Eric and out 2 beautiful granddaughters, Hannah & Alyssah.  We haven't seen them for over a year so we are looking forward to spending about 6 weeks out there.  The first day we traveled about 450 miles and stayed at a Wally World in Jackson Mississippi.  It was kinda a noisy place and we had other travelers in a travel trailer pull in around 3 AM and make loud noises, talking and slamming doors, like they were the only ones that were there.  Well that will teach me staying in a Walmart parking lot... lol  Not all of us are courteous campers....

Anyways I wanted to get an update post going and to let you know I will try my very best to keep the blog going over the summer while we are traveling... and don't forget to check out our RV review Blog... "Tassie's Campground Reviews" for updates at the RV Parks we stay at.

Come on back and follow our adventures
Have Fun & Travel Safe