Sunday, December 2, 2012

Update & More On Canada Trip ~ Baddeck, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia

It has been 8 weeks since my total right knee replacement and I am doing very well... Yes there is still some pain but every day is an improvement.  I had some stomach issues from all the drugs I had taken but that too is improving.  In a few months I will bopping around the place like crazy!!!  Thanks for all the well wishes I sure did appreciate it ♥

I know it is long behind us but I wanted to continue telling you about our summer adventure in Canada with our good friends Elaine & Rick ~ Our time there was exciting and we saw and did so much I just have to share it with you.

We started out the day with an exploring experience along the way ~ the guys decided to take a short cut which would take us along the  Bras d'Or Lake but soon as the road narrowed and the cliffs got higher we realized that our short cut was not a real shortcut but a true adventure.  Soon we were in almost a stuck situation but Ralph & Rick  got us out of it safely.  They managed to get the car turned around on a VERY narrow road and soon we were headed back out of our back road adventure... we can laugh at that now.

OH no we went to far ~ better turn around ~ do we have cell service???
Soon we were back on the road and headed towards the town of Baddeck...  Baddeck is considered to be the beginning and end of the world famous “Cabot Trail” and is situated in the heart of Cape Breton Island. Stretching along the shores of the beautiful Bras d'Or Lakes, it is a village in full bloom with a kaleidoscope of colors displayed in baskets, boxes and gardens along its downtown shopping core. Finally we were all hungry and decided to go to lunch at a cute little restaurant called The Yellow Cello
Yummy loaded Nachos ~ The Yellow Cello Cafe' ~ Their take on a Steak & Cheese (YUMMO!)
They had a beautiful little marina were we walked out and saw a lighthouse and many beautiful boats.  This was also the marina where we saw the Amoeba Sailing Yacht which you could go out on for a 2 hour cruise around Bras d'Or Lake.  We decided that would be fun but that is for another post.

Views from the Baddeck Marina
It was a great day of exploring the quaint town of Baddeck, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia ~ I will be continuing in Cape Breton in upcoming post ~ Stay tuned...

Sum BIG boat!!!!
Have Fun & Travel Safe