Thursday, July 15, 2010

~~~Seward, Alaska ~~~

We recently visited Seward Alaska and I was enthralled with the beauty & views that were there... Our RV Park was the Waterfront RV Park which was run by the city and was a first come first serve. We did luck out and found 2 sites on the last row facing Resurrection Bay... However all sites faced the water and were terraced so everyone had a view. Great park if you can get into it! I suggest going in M-F...

Seward is situated on Resurrection Bay on the southeast coast of the Kenai Peninsula, 125 highway miles south of Anchorage. It lies at the foot of Mount Marathon, and is the gateway to the Kenai Fjords National Park. The City of Seward was named for U.S. Secretary of State William Seward, 1861-69, who negotiated the purchase of Alaska from Russia during the Lincoln administration

Cruise ships and freighters visit the area frequently... and the boat traffic in the early morning and evenng is very heavy... Fun to watch!!!

Exit Glacier is the only part of the park accessible by road. To get there take Herman Road at Mile 3 on the Sterling Highway. It is about an 8 mile drive to the Exit Glacier Area. There are many things you can do once there. Stroll the trails, walk very close to an active glacier, or take a ranger-led walk. It is a place where you can witness up close how glaciers re-shape a landscape and learn how plant life reclaims the barren rocky land exposed by a glacier’s retreat.

The ride out to Exit Glacier was very scenic and we enjoyed stopping and taking in the surrounding beauty of the Glacier, Mountains and rivers...

Have Fun, Travel Safe & Stay Healthy!!!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

~~~ I'm Still Here ~~~

What can I say except BAD internet service with AT&T... We are in Anchorage, Alaska and I do have it here but it is the first time in many weeks. We leave this morning for Seward so I am hoping to have it there too. I don't have strong enough signal to blog most places we go so I have been updating our travels through "FACEBOOK". If you have facebook let me know and I'll add you to my friends list...
I'll blog about our adventures when we get back into the lower 48 and coverage is better....
Keep safe & most of all enjoy life
Love to all, Donna