Tuesday, April 14, 2009

~~~ Outdoor Wednesday - Arches National Park in Moab, Utah ~~~

Susan at A Southern Daydreamer is the host of "Outdoor Wednesday". If you are interested in this event....link on the logo picture....and learn about what it is all about. Join the fun.....and visit Susan and all the participants who are sharing "Outdoor Wednesday". You will not be sorry... Thank you Susan!

In 2004 we were fortunate enough to visit Arches National Park in Moab, Utah. We traveled there with our good friends and had a wonderful time visiting inside the area for several days... I have so many pictures of this magnificent park that it was very hard for me to choose which ones to share with you... As you can see I still got carried away... I hope you enjoy them and remember this is just a bit of the beauty this country of ours has to offer. Hope you get to visit here sometime soon.

Welcome to
Arches National Park

Arches National Park preserves over 2,000 natural sandstone arches, like the world-famous Delicate Arch, as well as many other unusual rock formations. In some areas, the forces of nature have exposed millions of years of geologic history. The extraordinary features of the park create a landscape of contrasting colors, landforms and textures that is unlike any other in the world. The arches are beautiful and it is amazing what erosion & time can produce.... ENJOY!

Happy Outdoor Wednesday
Until Later
Hugs And Kisses

Monday, April 13, 2009

♥♥♥Hi Friends♥♥♥

I am alive and on the mend.... I had a great time away until I came down with a lousy cold and then a simple task of feeding the dog put me down for weeks... I bent over to pick up the dog's dish and threw my back out... It pinched a nerve and caused problems with my left knee & leg... After a visit to a small town emergency room that we were near and follow ups with my own doctors when we got home I am finally on the road to recovery... I couldn't even sit up long enough to be on the computer but today I am feeling much better (thanks to great drugs) so I thought I would update you all.... Thanks so much for all the concerns that you sent... I will be doing a post very soon.... Love you all

Until Later
Hugs And Kisses